lunes, 14 de enero de 2008

Mitos del desarrollo

El misterio (para usar una palabra quizás demasiado dramática) de por qué algunos países han logrado desarrollarse exitosamente mientras otros malviven un desarrollo incompleto (o se han hundido en un crónico subdesarollo) es parte medular de los temas que nos obsesionan en este blog. Como una interesante contribución a esta discusión aqui les ofrezco esta entrada en el blog Oil Wars, que ya les había mencionado en una ocasión anterior. Como aperitivo esta cita:

Another myth that Chang addresses is one one that has come into fashion now that free trade and neo-liberal policies have clearly failed many countries - the idea that some countries are culturally predisposed to develop while others aren't. Chang almost comically disposes of this myth recalling that in the 19th century British visitors viewed Germans as, plodding, thieving and technically incompetent and at the beginning of the turn of the 20th Century Japanese were seen as laid back to the point of lazy and overly emotional. Of course now that both of those countries have become industrial powers that is not exactly how they are perceived.

Para ver la entrada completa, ir aqui...

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